GE Steam Power
The Power of YES
After a tumultuous period that included the integration of Alstom, and several changes to the busines structure, GE Steam Power was separated from GE Power, to enable them to focus entirely on the Steam Power Services market.
After so many difficult years, GE Steam Power needed to restore confidence among customers and inspire employees.
Estuary was engaged to update the image of the business among key target audiences.
- We developed a brand manifesto that served as a teaser for the campaign and defined the key messages for employees.
- We created a multi-channel brand advertising campaign, carefully designed to be executed both centrally and locally around both the world.
- We created photography and video assets to fill a range or content needs.
- We have since adapted the campaign to address specific internal communications needs and further changes to the business.
Estuary supervised employee photo shoots at multiple GE and customer locations around the world. We also created a style guide to ensure that all photography created by others was on brand and stylistically consistent.
The Power of Yes.
One small word.
Three powerful letters.
That energize steam.
And turn fuel into gigawatts of electricity.
And ensure the power is on for all – everyday, everywhere.
Three letters that are transforming the future of steam power.
Creating extraordinary outcomes for tomorrow and beyond.
Power to our teams.
Power to our customers.
Power to our world.
This is the Power of Yes.
We wrote a brand manifesto that was distributed to all GE Steam Power locations and used on the employee intranet as to tease the positioning and campaign idea for employees..
The paid digital campaign consisted primarily of banner advertising, which required careful distillation of messaging to ensure that we retained the bold, confident tone.
We produced several Power of Yes videos, used primarily for in-person events and social media.